

Prayer & Care

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Prayer is vital for individuals, churches, cities, and countries. Discover ways to receive, participate, and share prayer at Lifecentre. Do you have something we can pray for today? Celebrate with you? Use our prayer wall below to share. While you are sharing, pray it forward. Take a few moments to pray for others.

Receive Prayer

Following each service at Lifecentre, stay behind to receive prayer from our ministry team. You don’t have to carry what you are going through alone. 

Participate in Prayer

Corporate Prayer Meeting
Monthly: Last Sunday of the Month at Orleans from 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Sundays’: Pre-service at 7:00am

Sundays’: Pre-service at 8:00am

Sundays’: Pre-service at 8:00am


You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.

Cindee Tabares

The last years have been full of trials, pain, & tears. I went from my mother being diagnosed with cancer, caring for her and helping her recover, to being diagnosed with severe depression, then getting covid and being furloughed from work. My faith in God has been shaken to the core, but I never stopped praying. Thankfully my mom fully recovered and is cancer free, but when it comes to the most intimate prayers to God, they have seemed unheard, unanswered, or answered in a way that was not what I wanted or expected. Right now, I am facing difficult & challenging situations in a foreign country, I am scared, all alone, & far away from home. My loneliness consumes me, I’ve been rejected & hurt immensely & repeatedly and my faith and hope in God wavers. I need a miracle, to heal me of my past and anything that binds me and to open me to find a life-partner/true love. I am already 36 years old and feel that I will be alone and lonely forever, sometimes I just want to disappear and not go on, I crave a partnership and to be loved, I want a family and a purpose, it’s all I’ve ever wanted and life is not worth living without one. I pray for meaningful relationships in my life that help me get closer to God in this time of distress in my life. I pray for happiness. I never submit prayers, because I know other people need more important things and I sound selfish, but I am reading a book on God’s miracles and it tells me that my prayers & needs are important too, so I am submitting this now. Thank you for your prayers.

Received: April 15, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 3 times.

Di Hogan

My 2-1/2 year old granddaughter, Charlotte, is scheduled for strabismus eye surgery on Wednesday April 21st. Please pray that the surgery will be flawless and her recovery would be swift and perfect. Some children, for days or weeks afterward, have double vision. Please pray that the LORD would spare her this. Thank you

Received: April 13, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 4 times.

Di Hogan

A friend, Dan, had a CT scan 2 years ago for a tumour on his lung. It was not his first battle with cancer. At that time, when they operated the tumour was miraculously gone!! Praise God. He has just had another CT scan and they found 3 spots on his left lung and 1 spot on his right lung. The doctors are meeting on Friday to discuss next steps. He is a young man in ministry with a wife and 2 young children here in Ottawa. Please pray for another miracle! Thank you.

Received: April 13, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Carol Plaus

prayers for faith, provision and protection for the families that are living thru the erupting volcano and earthquakes on the island of St.Vincent in the Caribbean

Received: April 11, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

baptiste lafferrerie

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

- I pray that my work goes well, that the Lord will make a miracle in my marriage, to fast as much as possible, to regain health / quit smoking, my sanctification, not to worry, to be independent and to find divine wisdom ! I pray to find accommodation, that my loved ones will be converted and be well and the Kingdom of God progressing, be blessed!

Received: April 4, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Roma McGill-Bowen

Can you please pray for God’s healing of both of my perfect 2020 sight. I was diagnosed with a hole in my right eye retina in August 2020 and had 2 Vitrectomy surgeries (Nov 5 & Jan 6 2021) and it has closed and still healing. In Dec 19 my left eye had a hole, so Dr did Vitrectomy surgery on March 11, 2021. Our family & friends have been praying for both eyes being healed completely. My sight was diminishing in my right eye over the last 2 weeks while looking after my sister and I grew concerned. It was confirmed that a cataract grew very quickly and was covering my right eye so this was causing fuzziness beyond 1 foot of my eyes which was very scary to me since a bubble was stilling filling my left eye so I could not see out of it.I also have a small cataract growing in my left eye. The medication used following surgery promotes cataracts. With cataract surgery when they’re or cataract, they can install a lense that will only provide long distance vision and they say I’ll have to wear glasses for reading. I’m very grateful that God has been healing my eyes so thatI won’t go blind. Can you please pray for God to provide a full restoration of both of my eyes to be 2020 vision. My next appointments are Aril 15 & May 6, 2021. Thank you so much in advance for your prayers. God bless you.

Received: April 3, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Roma McGill-Bowen

My sister Isabe went to be with our Lord yesterday. I am grateful that she got to know our Heavenly Father and Jesus more intimately during the last 6 months. In the last few weeks we prayed together holding hands each night, which latterly included my brother who we found out prayed on his own every morning. She was getting to such a strong prayer warrior and prayed with such conviction and dedication to sharing her faith and strong conviction of our Lord with all she came in contact with- nurses, Drs & friends. She would always add in with conviction “For I Know Who Holds Tomorrow For God Holds Tomorrow.” Please pray our younger family members to wake up and follow God more closely and for them to build a personal intimate relationship with our Lord as He comforts them through our loss.

Received: April 3, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.

Tanya O'Brien

My dad is unwell. He is the most wonderful father anybody could ask for. He is now suddenly dealing with multiple health issues, one of which is quite serious with his liver. I am absolutely struggling though I know he loves the Lord and will always be safe. I can't stop this crazy panicked feeling of being overwhelmed with worry and dark thoughts. He has multiple appointments this week and I'm already paralyzed with fear and I know that my reactions are not normal. I feel like a spiritual failure as God has always been faithful, and this time won't be different, but here I am...designated basket case. I would rather this prayer request just go to the prayer team.

Received: April 2, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Brendan Barnard

Please pray that all demonic bondages and deception break off me and my family

Received: April 1, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.

Marvin Hernández

Blessings hnos, I am a pastor and a single father in El Salvador, in October 2020 I almost died from the covid, I was in an indefinite coma but God allowed me to return to life, but an old injury in the spinal column turned into a hernia disk and has me prostrate without being able to do anything for several months in this condition of constant anguish and pain, I ask for your support in prayer, I know that God can do a miracle in my life!

Received: March 31, 2021

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