
How do we serve Lifecentre?
We want to serve our church and city well. There are many opportunities to serve both on Sundays and during the week. Discover how you can care for others. All it takes is for you to “Say, Yes!”
How do we serve our city?
As followers of Jesus, we believe loving our neighbour is central to seeing on earth as it is in heaven. As a result, we are called to engage faithfully and wholeheartedly within specific areas of brokenness and injustice locally and globally. We demonstrate God’s love in tangible ways with His presence and provision. For every dollar we receive, we give the first ten cents of it away.
To this end, we endeavour to see wrong things made right. We pursue partnership as we reconcile with, learn from, serve, advocate, support, and dream alongside our neighbours.
In 2023/24, Lifecentre Care was created – a non-profit organization of equal parts food bank and solutions centre. Wherever we plant a church, we establish Lifecentre Care for that neighbourhood.
Community Development
Lifecentre Care
Kanata Food Cupboard
City Serve Canada
Vulnerable People
Agapè Centre
Beacon Bags
Destiny Adoption
First Place Options
Ottawa 2 Rwanda
Stepstone House
Jericho Road
Ottawa Innercity Ministries
Safe Families Canada
Global Witness
Alpha Canada
EOD of the PAOC
FIRM Israel
Empower Ministries
Global Leadership Canada
Ministers Network Canada
One Way Ministries
Power to Change: Paul Huggins